Superb dance-pop music can be difficult to find while surfing your FM radio stations. Fortunately, Australian band Cut Copy were in town, curating their modern take on the dance-pop aesthetic. The D Man, Rip, and Rizzo reveled in the globe-trotting band's cosmopolitan cool, with layers upon layers of starry-eyed synths, New Order guitars, and live percussion soaring through The Depot.
The fivesome played their best tracks from In Ghost Colours, Zonoscope, and the forthcoming Free Your Mind. If The D Man told you they were absolutely phenomenal, even festival headlining material, you would say I was rubbing it in. But they were. Bonus? Dave Chappelle slipped into the show and hung out next to us, likely after slaying his nearby standup routine, and he totally grooved with the Halloween-inspired (and very white) crowd.
Dan Whitford's vocals were impressive, seemingly hovering on perfect pitch with every note. Though one might have guessed he would need processed assistance, there was nothing of the sort to be found. He can flat out sing, and as good as the band's records sound, their live presence was exponentially better. A rare example of an anti-studio band, a made-for-live production. Let's dance!