September 25, 2013

Song of the Week

Arcade Fire's fourth album, Reflektor, drops in just a few more weeks.  Enjoy the video for the dancey title track, complete with a David Bowie vocal cameo.

September 4, 2013

Five Things

(Arcade Fire's street art campaign)

So it begins.  The best time of the year for music.  Listening.  Slanted light.  Warm days and crisp nights.  Autumn.
  • The D Man, Rip, and Rizzo enjoyed Kurt Vile's show two weeks ago.  Though he still needs more confidence in his live vocal delivery, his guitar playing was golden.  He played a righteous set--up close and personal in a small club--and his lustrous Americana, an amalgamation of classic, stoner, and folk rock, hit the right vein.  Recently his hometown of Philadelphia named August 28th Kurt Vile Day, and the city presented him with the Liberty Bell Award, apparently the "highest honor" Philadelphia offers.  Check out his video for "Never Run Away."
  • Enjoy the video for Volcano Choir's "Byegone."  The band's second album, Repave, is out now and well worth a listen.
  • Never spent much time listening to Drake.  But his new track is an undeniable vibe.
  • TV On The Radio feeling some "Mercy.
  • Check out the teaser below for Arcade Fire's new album, tentatively titled Reflektor if you are to believe the mysterious grafitti runes that have popped up in cities all over the globe.  The band recorded the album in James Murphy's New York City studio, and he recently promised the music will be epic.  Sure sounds like it.