March 30, 2009

Music That Makes You Dumb

Sorry Lil' Wayne. Your music is dumb. Or maybe it makes people dumb. A recent study correlated the favorite musical artists of 1352 colleges with each college's average SAT/ACT test score. The results were interesting, but not all that surprising. Beethoven topped the list. Radiohead was in the top five. Linkin Park was right at the average. And folks like The Used, T.I., and Lil' Wayne crowded at the very bottom. Obviously the study is by no means precise. But all ye good naysayers take note: Sufjan Stevens was number two on the list, right behind the greatest classical composer of all time. Not bad company for our state-savvy friend.


Anonymous said...

I had to laugh at this entry. My friends had a discuss a while back at how stupid Lil' Wayne was and i seemed like part of the lost generation. I am glad that at least someone agrees somewhat with my stand.

Kate Nash said...

Whatever, Lil is a genius. Proof: