July 19, 2011

Song of the Week

M83 electro

Hurry Up, We're Dreaming. That's the name of M83's sure-to-be-awesome double album (twenty two tracks!) to be released in October. The D Man absolutely geeked out today while listening to the new single, "Midnight City." The track is pure sensory overload, and it literally got me through a long afternoon of legal tedium. Anthony Gonzelez's complete mastery of cinematic and cerebral electro-pop textures is on full display, as the ménage à trois of drum machines, laser synths, and saxophones feel like they were destined to be together. (Sorry for the bad French pun, but Gonzalez is now the coolest dude to ever hail from France). As the opening track of what is supposed to be a "very, very, very epic" album, the song naturally extends the pop magic of Saturdays = Youth and envelops it in the wide-screen electronica of Before the Dawn Heals Us. Stoked that you get to listen to this right now.

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