December 1, 2016

20. Ocean by Ocean / The Boxer Rebellion

Ocean by Ocean
The Boxer Rebellion is another band in a long line of safe and pleasant purveyors of Brit pop, which is viewed by some as a death knell.  In the aftermath of Radiohead's "No Surprises"-style ascension in the late 90s, sad and lovely became a thing, and if your singer could hit the really high notes, all the better.  Countless bands raced to fill the wake, some with more success than others.  Think Coldplay, Travis, Athlete, Keane, etc.  Though such bands are criticized in some circles as lacking risk or urgency, damn it all when the songs sound this enjoyable, inviting listen after listen.

Ocean by Ocean is The Boxer Rebellion's fifth studio album and arguably its best collection of post-Ok Computer, post-A Rush of Blood to the Head, post-lots of other records arena pop.  If you are a longtime musical Anglophile, say between the ages of 35 to 50, these songs should hit you right in your pleasure zone.  Formed in London in 2001, lead singer Nathan Nicholson (originally from Tennessee) answered an online posting for musicians and hooked up with guitarist Todd Howe.  Piers Hewitt (drums) and Adam Harrison (bass) followed after they graduated from the London School of Music.  Since then, the band has honed its ingratiating sound with guitar arpeggios, synth swells, and Nicholson's lush register, and never have the foursome sounded bigger or better.

Could any one of these songs close a scene in Parenthood or your favorite family drama?  Could any one of these songs provide uplift to a feel-good movie trailer?  Could any one of these songs soundtrack your road trip optimism?  Yes, yes, and yes.  And so be it.  Music this warm and welcoming should be hailed for what it is and does, period.

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