August 23, 2009

27. "Two Weeks" by Grizzly Bear (2009)

Easily one of this year's best songs, "Two Weeks" is an effortless, ageless pop song, displaying the sunnier qualities of Grizzly Bear's baroque melodies and haunting indie-orchestration. The way lead vocalist Ed Droste sings the melody and hits those three notes in yesterday reminds The D Man why he loves great pop music in the first place. Grizzly Bear has produced two of the best albums of the past five years, and for that the group deserves high praise for evolving and innovating in a very natural way. Yellow House's spare instruments, reverbed melodies, and dreamy rhythms resulted in a hazy, elusive classic, which then gave way to the large-scale production and sweeping ebullience of this year's Veckatimest. Keep'em coming, please.

Why listen? Grizzly Bear is a band in every possible sense. The group's individual and collective musicianship, arrangements, production, harmonies, and aesthetics are easily apparent, timeless, and unassailable. Do yourself a favor and spend a solitary headphone evening with Yellow House or Veckatimest.

Something else? Enjoy "Knife," "Little Brother," "Central and Remote," "Colorado," "Ready, Able."

BONUS: The D Man's brother chilled with Grizzly Bear in NYC. So either the band is cool now or Rip is: you decide.

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