October 12, 2008


Radiohead recently held a worldwide video contest for In Rainbows. The final four contestants each received $10,000 to produce full-length videos. Not that it's any surprise the band would have some talented and artistic fans, but many of the entries were impressive and downright professional in the first place. Check out grand-prize winner Clement Picon's video for "Reckoner," one of the many stunning tracks from Radiohead's latest.


Kelli Schwarz said...

Wow! I am loving the new page D! It looks great! Googlepages served you well, but it's time to move on.

Anonymous said...

Hey dude. Cool blog. Well done!!

Barney Family said...

Wrigley Field eventually did get lights and I knew it was only a matter of time before the D-man moved into the blogspot domain. I love the site--one of the only things that gets me through the day.