December 12, 2010

15. Astro Coast / Surfer Blood

Astro Coast

Astro Coast packages power-riffs, power chords, and power choruses with meticulous guitar arrangements, creating a big-sounding surf-rock record. The spacey guitars and buoyant melodies are the show, and the show delivers hook after hook that would make classic indie bands blush. Surfer Blood was made for Rock Band.

"Swim (To Reach the End)" is swelling and anthemic, a song that would have been comfortable on MTV's 120 Minutes in the early 1990's. "Floating Vibes" is attention-grabbing, dueling guitar-pop, and "Harmonix" patiently builds, cresting at intervals, just like, you guessed it, waves of the ocean. But passing off Surfer Blood as merely an alt-rock revivalist with a penchant for water imagery (the name, the album cover, the song titles) discounts the promising guitar intricacy--and intuitive feel for a great hook--that imbues the band's entire debut record. After hearing Surfer Blood play live, there is little to doubt: crowdsurfing is encouraged.

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