December 25, 2009

13. My Maudlin Career / Camera Obscura

My Maudlin Career

Intelligent, catchy, and warm as the summer sun, Camera Obscura evokes the girl groups of yesteryear without sounding forced or descending into pastiche. Tracyanne Campbell's voice carries the day on the Glasgow group's fantastic fourth album, My Maudlin Career, while imbuing lovely, well-played ditties with a sense of sweet vulnerability. Camera Obscura's well-crafted songs and throwback pop sensibility is not to be overlooked, however. The music's rich variation is surprising, especially considering what could have turned out to be a more narrow genre record.

Red-blooded Americans will want to live in Europe and fall in love with sailors after listening to "French Navy." And "The Sweetest Thing" is, well, the sweetest thing you've heard all year. "You Told A Lie" and "James" are pensive pop protests. And album closer "Honey in the Sun" will make you want to schedule your next getaway immediately. Obviously, this is a record that lesser men might hesitate to flaunt in their collection. But make no mistake, its absence will make afternoon drives with your lady much less enjoyable. Trust The D Man.

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