December 25, 2009

16. Psychic Chasms / Neon Indian

Psychic Chasms

The D Man tried to listen to this album as background music while he performed the legal (and oft-mundane) tasks of his day job. But the music was simply too good, too invasive. Neon Indian's Psychic Chasms (by Austin-based composer Alan Palomo) is the best lo-fi techno record you've ever heard, if you can call it that. It sounds like something your genius kid brother would have made in his makeshift home studio consisting of an Atari Commodore and a cassette player. But the genius of the record is that it has such a classic soul vibe, despite the futuristic soundtrack. It's too organic and melodic to be limited by the narrow trappings of laser beams or photon torpedos.

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