December 20, 2009

Christmas Sadness

Stewboy recently told me that Christmas songs are too sad. He doesn't like them. And he's right. Some Christmas songs are quite sad. Case in point: "White Christmas" and "I'll Be Home For Christmas." Who wants to be home for Christmas, if only in their dreams? Having experienced the latter, The D Man can tell you that dreams don't quite make up the difference.

Then again, those songs don't even come close to the profound sadness described in the aptly-titled "That Was the Worst Christmas Ever!" Devastating in its descriptions of familial discord and a lack of means (yet powerful in its ability to consider future redemption), Sufjan Stevens' narrative is maybe the saddest Christmas song ever. Unfortunately, this sad song plays out again and again throughout this country, and throughout the world, during Christmastime.

So maybe a sad song is entirely appropriate during this jolly season of silver and gold. Because The Baby that we celebrate eventually became The Man, we may rightfully consider His ability to mend broken things. Because He experienced all of our grief and every other emotion for our sake, from the poignant to the sacred, from the happy to the divine, we may sing songs to celebrate them all. Even sad ones.

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