December 25, 2009

20. Catacombs / Cass McCombs


After bouncing around the country with his first three albums, the talented Cass McCombs really found his footing on his fourth record, Catacombs. (Had to happen sooner or later, right? His great album with that name?). McCombs' reedy voice and independent bedroom-folk are difficult to define but witheringly addictive. "You Saved My Life" just floored The D Man on the first listen. Floored me.


bruce said...

Not that I'd nominate it for top 20status, but I wonder what your thoughts are on Florence & The Machine's Lungs.

The D Man said...

I've never listened to the album, but I have heard a couple singles and liked them. I know Florence has had success, primarily in Great Britian, and it is obvious why--a hot and exciting front-woman with good pipes singing radio-friendly soul-pop songs. And just weird enough to get some credibility from other circles.

The D Man said...

That said, give me Natasha Khan any day of the week. Not even close.