December 4, 2009

Pass the Mic

We often play a game where the first person names a band or singer, sings a song, and then passes the performance to the second person. The second person names another band or singer and, again, sings another song. The catch: the artist's name must start with the last letter of the previous artist. For example, if Schwarzy starts things off with Lionel Richie and "All Night Long" Mrs. D Man might take the "E" and sing her best version of Elton John's "Rocket Man." And so on. Great fun if you want to show off your musical chops, and even more fun when you get a perfect run of Lionel Richie, Elton John, Neil Diamond, and Dan Fogelberg. Highly recommended.

Other songs that we totally killed last night:
Best moment of the night: Schwarzy appropriately inserting Lionel Richie after every other song's chorus: Fiesta. Forever.


Kelli Schwarz said...

I'm sad I missed that portion of the night. Every time we drive home from Cedar he wants to put Lionel Richie in the CD player.

The D Man said...

And the question really is, why wouldn't he?

Say you, say me.